
The Bris Aluminium “Econo Partition Systems” combine the best features of modern building materials:steel for strength, plasterboard for low cost fire resistance, Anodised and Powdercoated aluminium finishes and painted or vinyl plasterboard finishes for handsome durability.

Plasterboard can be supplied in a full range of sizes to meet all required installations. Plasterboard panels can be installed to both sides of the System at the same time, or to one side at a time, allowing insulation or other services to be installed into the cavity

Bris Aluminium’s “Econo Partition System” comprises of “C” section steel studs, bottom track and an extruded aluminium top track. The 10mm plasterboard panels in widths of 1200mm are fixed to the studs.

Plasterboard stud adhesive is used to adhere the 1200mm wide panels to intermediate studs at 600mm centres.

There are no visible fixing s after the partition has been installed.

System variations include ceiling height walls and walls to door height with provision for glazing .


The Bris Aluminium “Econo Partition System”offers fewer aluminium components which make it easier to estimate and easier to identify and also reduces the cost in storage and labour.

The Econo System offers complete demountability, allowing for the removal and reuse of all components.

The System is economical to use and offers dry construction techniques combined with a high degree of fire resistance and acoustical privacy.

It allows versatility of design and all components are easily handled on site.

Partitions can be double-glazed if required. The “Econo Partition System” is able to receive a door thickness of 35mm, 38mm and 45mm.

Design Considerations

Basic wall systems should NOT be used where they may be exposed to excessive moisture or humidity.

Where magnesium oxychloride composition flooring is used, special provision must be made to isolate the steel track from this flooring, as corrosion of the galvanised steel can occur if the floor becomes wet.

Maximum stud spacing is 600mm. – Maximum height is 4m. – Maximum unsupported span without lateral support is 3.6m.

Where a painted finish is required, care should be taken to ensure that bridging of the paint does not occur at the joints.

Cupboards, bookshelves and similar fixtures may be attached to ceiling height partitions only.

A maximum load of 30kg per stud is permissible.


Studs are made with bell-mouth service holes to accommodate electrical and telephone services. Alternatively, ducted skirtings may be used.

Architectural Specification & Systems Warranty

The Econo System by Bris Aluminium is designed to meet the relevant Australian Standards. Genuine Bris Aluminium Systems have been researched, developed and tested over a number of years. Bris Aluminium are totally committed to the improvement of all Systems with ongoing Re-development to meet our customers needs.

Genuine Econo Systems by BRIS ALUMINIUM carry a warranty ensuring that: All components are installed in accordance with Bris Aluminium’s technical literature.

Bris Aluminium provides NO WARRANTY in respect of Systems incorporating any components not manufactured or supplied by Bris Aluminium.

Component Parts

As per our Architectural section drawings:

Supreme Standard Track 110.1 x 20.5
Econo 110.1 x 20.5
Doorstop 24.2 x 25.3
Econo Glazing Sill 116.1 x 26.5
Econo Glazing Bead 47.6 x 8.5
Econo Corner Post 46.9 x 46.9
Skirting 100, 125, 150 all by 5mm
Hinges Stainless steel with ball bearings
Features: Aluminium Features: Stainless Steel
Quick fixing Quick fixing
Interfolding leaves Interfolding leaves
Countersunk holes Countersunk holes
Keyed nylon bushes Ball Bearing bushes
Stainless steel pin Stainless steel pin
High tensile alloy 6063T6

Manufacturers Specification for Installation of Hinge

Installation of top hinge will set 100mm from the top of the door. Hinges to be screw fixed only.

Bottom track 76mm
Split studs and standard studs 76mm
Partition thickness nominal 96mm
Maximum height 4m
Floor to ceiling post maximum 4m
Recess-edge board for setting joints 10mm
Aluminium Skirting 100mm, 125mm, 150mm
Glass Thickness and Glazing Wedges
6mm Glass – P40 Rubber (both sides)
8mm Glass – P113 Glazing Wedge (both sides)
10mm Glass – P41 Rubber (both sides)
12mm Glass – P31/29 Rubber (one side and P43/1 on the other side)

NB: Floor to ceiling post may be omitted where there is lateral support every 3.6m, or less, such a provided by corners and intersecting walls.


Suitable tools are of major importance to achieve an acceptable standard of finish. The correct tools for a particular job will normally result in improved efficiency and labour savings on the job. The tools recommended to give the best results are listed below:

Level, Plumb and Carpenter’s Square – for ensuring proper partition alignment.

Combination Square – for setting-up and checking accurate right angle and mitre cuts in aluminium components.

Radial Arm or Docking Saw (with special blade for cutting aluminium sections) – blade must be capable of cutting 100mm or wider section.

Mill Files – 250mm or longer for smoothing and fitting aluminium parts, use a coarse-tooth file to shape and fine-tooth to finish.

Hand Hacksaw – for cutting lightweight trim sections and scoring backs of mitres, a wavy-set type blade with 32 teeth per 25mm of blade works especially well with aluminium.

Carpenter’s Clamps – for clamping aluminium sections to saw table.

Rubber Mallet – for tapping aluminium sections into place

Ratchet Screwdriver – large size for installation of components and accessories, Philip’s tip point is essential.

Electric Drill and High-Speed Drill Bits – for attachment of components to components and components to structure.

Variable Speed Screw Gun – for attachment of board to frame.

On Site Jigger – cut a 20mm piece of “Econo” track, use a No. 30 drill bit to mark the hole in the section to locate assembly screws. Do not force machine when drilling through jig as the drill point will run off causing the hole to be out of position. (NB: Use 4mm Drill Bit


A successful installation depends on skilled tradespeople combining quality products and good construction practices. Our components are high quality products designed to work together but, without proper planning and correct installation, the products themselves will not produce quality results.

Cutting and fitting aluminium components requires special procedures and tools as well as careful attention to ensure accurate measurement. If joints are to be well fitted, the following procedures must be used, particularly for the large components.

A radial arm or docking saw with a special aluminium-cutting blade should be used. Hand sawing with a hacksaw or power-driven sabre saw will not produce sufficiently accurate results.

Lubricate the blade regularly with motor oil or special wax. When cutting aluminium rails, mullions and door frames, fit a hardwood block (cut exactly to size) inside the section to avoid distortion that causes an inaccurate fit. Clamp the part to the saw table with carpenter’s clamps and move the blade slowly through the aluminium section. Remove all burrs with a flat mill file and back-dress edges for critical fitting.

Rail and trim joints should be kept to a minimum. Do not use short pieces as an unacceptable finish will result.

Safety Note: Always wear safety glasses and ear protection when cutting aluminium.

Door Jamb Assemblies

The 64mm Econo section has two (2) screw flutes. The pocket is in the centre so the doors can be hung on either side of the frame. See reference drawing: Section C-C. Door jamb assemblies are supplied in a range of sizes to suite all applications Standard size: 2040 x 820 x 35mm in square-head finish with Aluminium or Stainless Steel Hinges.


Ceiling Height Partitions: Secure 64mm bottom track and top track with appropriate fasteners spaced 600mm maximum centre. Determine width of starter panel to achieve balanced appearance at ends of wall at door openings. Attach “Econo” standard track against end walls, attaching to wall at 600mm centres. Stand remainder of studs in tracks with open side facing away from wall starter.

Boxed studs must be used around all openings. Fix to top and bottom tracks with pop rivets. All corner studs should be fixed in place.

Plasterboard stud adhesive should be applied at 450mm centres to intermediate studs when 1200mm wide plasterboard panels are used. Repeat procedu as described previously. The last panel in any run of wall must be carefully cut to width allowing sufficient clearance.

Standard Door Jamb Assemblies: Door jamb sets are supplied processed for 2040 x 820 x 35mm doors only, to suit square head. Non-standard door jamb assemblies can be supplied against order or, alternatively, door jamb assemblies can be made by the recommended contractor on site.

Door Jambs : All door jamb assemblies contain door stiles, door head and doorstops with slamstrip, hinges and screws.

Door Jamb Openings : Fit “Econo” styles and head together. Secure all joints with screws. Screw fix to boxed studs at 600mm centres. Check to make sure that the door frame is in the correct way for the door thickness. After door frame is secure, cut the mitres on the doorstop and knock it in with a rubber hammer.

Partition Intersections : Attach “Econo” standard track to finished partitions or other abutments at 600mm centres.

Partition Terminals : Fit “Econo” standard track full height of wall to fix to boxed studs.

Skirting : Screw skirting to partition and conceal fixings with rubber infill.

GLAZING FOR SINGLE OPENINGS: When fabricating your “Econo” Glazing Frame the “Econo” Track and “Econo” Mating is to be used vertically for the styles and the “Econo” Sill horizontally for the top and bottom. Screws fix the sections together. Where the frames meet the top track, snap the legs off and where the mullions meet, snap the legs off only on one side to enable the sections to butt together. Secure the frame into the opening.

NB: All glass sheets must be stone rubbed

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